Employment Assessment Centre
Your Success is Our Business!

Job Match, Placement and Incentives
Job Match
Our Job Match program assists in providing paid work experience opportunities for clients. These experiences build skills, allow clients to establish work references and increase confidence.
We can help clients identify realistic career paths and job goals geared at promoting transferable skills into areas that support long-term employment.
Employment Placement and Incentives
- The Employment Assessment Centre is authorized to offer a temporary wage subsidy to encourage employers to hire targeted clients into long-term employment opportunities.
- Employment incentives allow clients to have a competitive advantage when competing for jobs. They also attract employer attention as they provide cost savings measures for employers.
The WEskills Database
The Employment Assessment Centre has partnered with Workforce Windsor-Essex to reap the benefits of utilizing the WEskills database.

The WEskills Database is a comprehensive employment database that is searchable by keyword and National Occupational Codes. So far, thousands of resumes have been entered into the database. These resumes provide a regional skills profile that can be used to assist in attracting new businesses to the region, demonstrating that Windsor-Essex has a capable and available workforce.